General information
All our routes are planned so as to use quiet country lanes as far as possible, and busy roads are generally avoided.
Although our club is called the 40plus, the current section membership ranges in age from early 50’s to mid 80’s. We are a sociable club with a good mix of male and female members. Cyclists turn up on racing bikes, hybrids, mountain bikes, folding bikes,electric bikes and recumbents. Each ride goes only as fast as the slowest person, and help is always on hand from the group to deal with mechanical problems.
Generally around 14 cyclists turn up for a ride, but this number can almost double at popular times of year.
Section rides are open to all members of the Forty Plus Cycling Club and we often have guests from other sections – and some East Herts members ride with other sections.
Most of our rides are of a ‘Moderate Pace’.. As the name implies these are not a challenge rides, but are paced at around 10-12 mph. and are generally around 35 miles in length. Longer mileages – perhaps 50 -60 miles – are occasionally organised particularly in the summer months. These rides are aimed at those with some experience of cycling
On both Tuesdays and Fridays there is a choice of two ‘Moderate’ rides , each going to a different lunch venue.
We prefer to ride in small groups, so each of the two Moderate Rides may be split into two groups with a max of 7 riders in each. Riders sign into their chosen group when they arrive at Wetherspoons. These groups leave with a 15 minute gap between them , to reduce congestion on the road and crowding at the lunch venue. The pattern of rides can be summarized
Ride to destination A | Ride to destination B |
Group 1 (of max 7 ) leaves at 10.15 am | Group 1 (of max 7) leaves at 10.15 am |
Group 2 (of max 7) leaves at 10.30am | Group 2 (of max 7) leaves at 10.30 am |
This arrangement caters for 28 riders each day. In the unlikely event that more than 28 turn up at Wetherspoons , they will be asked to form a further group.
For details of the Tuesday Ride program see ‘Tuesday rides’ link below. For details of the Friday rides program , see ‘Friday rides link ‘below
Ad hoc groups ( rides that do not appear in the ride program)
- Moderate PLUS rides. For those who like to ride at a slightly faster pace than our moderate rides, an ad hoc group meets on occasional Tuesdays and Fridays. There is no program of ‘moderate plus’ rides , but information can be obtained by contacting Allan —
2. Relaxed Rides . These are led at a pace of about 8-9 mph and is aimed at those who prefer a relaxed pace. The distance covered very much depends on the time of year / weather / terrain etc. but is generally between 20 and 30 miles. There is no program of relaxed rides, but information can be obtained by contacting Ron —