The Runs Lists (excepting the Sunday Section) show a morning meet at a cafe and a lunch venue at a pub. There is a group ride from the cafe to the lunch venue, the route for which is agreed between the participants.
In practice, due to the wide area from which our active riders are drawn we meet at a wide range of venues across Surrey and Sussex. Many find it convenient to meet in the morning at the cafe, or alternatively to ride directly to the lunch venue. This leaves a relatively small number of riders joining the group ride from cafe to pub.
From April to October, monthly on Wednesdays see NEWS below, we have a train or car assisted ride to take us out of our usual cycling area. These rides are included in the Midweek Rides Runs List.
Our Section is very informal. For group riding the routes are designed to take maximum advantage of the relative quiet and scenic aspects of the country lanes of Surrey and Sussex, avoiding as far as possible the busy main roads. New members are welcome and may simply turn up at the cafe or lunch meets whenever the date and destination suits.
The runs list has a link in the Meet column, which brings up a route showing the Meet, Lunch, and Tea venue if applicable (Ignore the route shown. The google route is unlikely to be the one ridden on the day). More details on the venues can be found here.
We also have a photo gallery.