A very windy day. We were nearly seven at the start, but John Houghton just missed us as he was running a little late!
So the six of us (Andy’s S and E, myself, Stuart Collins, Alan Brosnan and new rider Eddie) set off with wind behind us. In Ashwell we bumped into John, who had come by a different route but had decided not to continue on due to the strength of the wind.
We took the longer route through Steeple Morden and Shingay and then at Litlington, Alan, Andrew Street and Eddie turned back for Steeple Morden and home.
Andy and Eddie due to the wind and Alan due to a problem with his bike pedal – in fact Alan decided to take the train back from Ashwell as his pedal broke off completely,
This left just three to go on to the pub. A good venue, warm and friendly, though I suspect they were a bit disappointed there were so few of us!
After lunch Andy E headed home toward Wrestlingworth, while myself and Stuart had decided to carry on to Shepreth to catch the train, to avoid the slog back into the wind.
Last club ride of the year
Adrian and Alan Brosnan