Very cold and foggy this morning, so I drove in to LGC for the first time this winter. Was half hoping no-one would show up! But including myself six brave souls set off for Melbourn. I was joined by John D, Kris, Mia, Alan and Derek.
We maintained a decent pace (for a Thursday ride!) and arrived at the café at midday. It being one of the ‘Pensioner’s Specials’ days it was busy as usual, but the staff are very efficient and we were all served very quickly.
After lunch it was a little warmer, helped by having a slight tail-wind, though it began to cool off again as we approached LGC, with the mist re-forming.
Good to get out, but I think we were pleased to get back too!
We covered 36 miles at about 13.5 mph, definitely a bit speedy for a Thursday.