Sorry – Late post. A slightly damp start to the day might have seen reduced numbers, but there were still nine at the fountain.
Adrian led a group including John D, Geoff H, Steve C and Jack, with Geoff P leading John H, Martin and Steve L. We found Mia waiting for us in Baldock, and then Alan caught us between Sandon and Buckland, making eleven on the ride, so a good turn out in the end.
We were a little delayed on reaching lunch, as we suffered a puncture at Buckland; you’ll notice from the picture that Geoff H has a innertube round his neck – this was because he, by mistake, refitted the punctured innertube to his wheel which needed re-inflating several times on the last leg to the Silver ball.
In fact the others had finished their meals by the time we arrived! But they were good enough to wait for us, helped by the service being very efficient at The Silver Ball.
About half of us then rode back to LGC to Anne’s, who had kindly laid on drinks and snacks for us.Stuart also came along; good to see him out and about, hopefully on a bike soon!
A good day, with the weather being warm and humid if mostly overcast.
Adrian (and Alan)