Today’s ride was due to go to Redbourne but due to the forecast rain, we decided to cut the ride distance and get back before the rain.
Only Four turned up for todays ride – me, Ronnie, Kris and Andy. The route out to Spokes was via Baldock, Wallington, Mill end, Walken, Watton at Stone and Woolmer Green.
A nice start with little wind, but as we reached Watton at Stone the heavy rain started (raincoats on) and stopped as we got to Spokes.
We didn’t have to wait for our classic Toastie’s – but we managed to dry off a little.
We returned by the direct route on the Codecote road to Hitchin expecting to miss anymore rain – we were wrong – passing the Rusty Gun the heavens opened and we got absolutely drenched.
But still a nice Tuesday ride
Alan B